We're ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. We develop and publish International Standards.
Non Aligned Movement。
The European Investment Bank EIB is the lending arm of the European Union. We are the world’s largest multilateral lender and the biggest provider of climate finance。
Anton Oilfield Services Group。
Near East Foundation | Experience. Commitment. Impact。
CARE is a global humanitarian organization providing disaster relief to areas in crisis。
The American Psychological Association APA is a scientific and professional organization that represents psychologists in the United States. APA educates the public about psychology。
Ghost 是基于 Node.js 构建的开源博客平台。Ghost 具有易用的书写界面和体验,博客内容默认采用 Markdown 语法书写。Ghost 的目标是取代臃肿的 Wordpress。
France Tourism。
Electrification, automation and digitalization require innovative solutions: Discover Siemens as a strong partner。
YellowPages. YP. connects you to nada's businesses, products and services, providing all the information from the business directory: addresses and telephone numbers + videos, photos。
La rivista Domus dedicata ai mondi dell'Architettura, del Design e dell'Arte con articoli, approfondimenti。
MoMA is a place that fuels creativity, ignites minds。
The domain . is registered by NetNames。
Denna webbplats hos Levonnline ?r under konstruktion. This site with Levonline is under construction。
江西腾龙数码专营店经营有金士顿kingston系列,金士顿U盘,金士顿存储卡,金士顿SSD固态硬盘,惠普 U盘,东芝TOSHIBA系列,东芝 原装移动硬盘,东芝 存储卡,东芝 U盘,SSK 飚王全系列,SSK 移动硬盘盒,SSK 手机充电宝,SSK 高速读卡器,SSK HUB集线器,铼德 移动电源,铼德 手机充电宝,铼德Ritek 刻录盘,铼德 CD-R,铼德 DVD,铼德 可打印,日胜Risheng 刻录盘,日胜 CD-R,日胜 DVD,日胜 可打印。
磐凌数码专营店经营有moshi 摩仕,Sennheiser 森海塞尔,Monster 魔声,Skullcandy 美国骷髅,AERIAL7 潮流耳机,DENON 天龙,JVC 杰伟世,Mix-Style 星星耳机,Ultimate Ears 奥体美,Westone 威士顿,Etymotic 音特美,AIAIAI 丹麦简约耳机,Marshall 马歇尔,AKG 爱科技,JBL 哈曼,Pioneer 先锋,Byerdynamic 拜亚动力,Vsonic 威索尼可。
菱冠数码专营店经营有CSTK UPS电源,后备式标准机5-15分钟,后备式长效机,在线式标准机5-15分钟,在线式长效机,后备式长效机0.5-24小时,在线式长效机0.5-24小时,SHANTE UPS电源,在线互动式长效机,在线互动式长效机0.5-24小时,山特 UPS电源,UPS蓄电池,CSTK,澳特赛,APC UPS电源,标准机5-15分钟,长延时0.5-24小时,后备式UPS,在线式UPS。