瑞士葆丽美(SUISSE PROGRAMME)是瑞士顶尖的生物科技美容护肤品牌,是名媛贵妇和明星超模们追捧的对象,于1996年创立,在香港被称作葆丽美。
A specialized agency of the United Nations whose mandate covers weather。
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design。
University of Macau | The only public comprehensive university in Macau。
Yale-China: Yale-China Association。
The largest and only dedicated dog care exhibition in ASEAN, takes up over 10,000 square meters of exhibition space at Hall 1 and Hall 2. Over 200 local and international exhibitors will be showcasing the latest dog care products, food。
The China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair CCBF is held under the guidance of the Press and Publication Administration, organised by the Shanghai Press & Publication Administration。
CDA Institute CERTIFIED DATA ANALYST INSTITUTE is established under the trend of big data and cloud computing. CDA Institute aims to make the domestic and international data analysis talents more standard, scientific。
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