London School of Economics is unique in its concentration on teaching and research across the full range of social。
Jump start your future at Nanyang Technological University NTU Singapore。
The Chinese University of Hong Kong。
广西医科大学Guangxi Medical University。
汕头大学 Shantou University。
A global, open, stable, and secure Internet that serves the entire Asia Pacific community。
Uniting all Americans to ensure wildlife thrive in a rapidly changing world。
河南工业大学Henan University of Technology位于河南省会郑州市,是河南省人民政府和国家粮食局共建高校;始建于1956年,先后隶属国家粮食部、商业部和国内贸易部;1959年开展本科教育,1981年开始硕士研究生教育,2013年开始博士研究生教育,2014年获批博士后流动站,2017年获批硕士研究生推免资格,2018年获批博士学位授予单位。
La CCI France Chine vous aide à exporter et vous implanter en Chine : recrutement, création d'entreprise, prospection。
laibao – the home collection site pro。
Infoterm, the International Information Centre for Terminology, was founded in 1971 by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization。
Featuring award winning columnist John Williams and guest writers。
Non-Profit Environmental Organisation。
Welcome to the University of Bedfordshire. Find information on all our courses including undergraduate, postgraduate。
We are a progressive London university that puts our students first. We are proud to provide expert teaching that is informed by inspiring research and practice。
Founded in 1837, Colby-Sawyer is a comprehensive baccalaureate college that integrates the liberal arts and sciences with professional preparation. The college is located in the scenic Lake Sunapee Region of central New Hampshire.
Bell is an aircraft manufacturer of commercial and military helicopters。
南昆士兰大学The University Southern Queensland,简称USQ始建于1967年,是一所得到澳大利亚政府和中国教育部承认的公立综合性大学。USQ的毕业生就业率高居全澳首位,优势专业有会计、IT、工程、测量测绘、心理学、早教等,南昆士兰大学是澳洲会计师公会CPA考试辅导官方认证机构,学生通过会计课程可成为注册会计师。