The Red Dot Award is an international design competition for product design。
| ist ein kleines feines Designbüro in Berlin. Wir arbeiten in allen Bereichen der visuellen Kommunikation。
Asian Products is a database and trade sources presenting products, manufacturers and suppliers to international buyers sourcing products in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong。
Mucca is an award-wining branding firm that leads with strategy and excels with design to create powerful。
Ogilvy is an award-winning integrated creative network that makes brands matter, specializing in creating experiences。
We are an integrated communications agency delivering media and marketing solutions globally。
天津医科大学Tianjin Medical University,简称“TMU”,为天津市人民政府、国家卫生健康委员会和教育部共建高校,是国家“211工程”重点建设院校、“双一流”世界一流学科建设高校、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目高校、教育部来华留学示范基地建设高校、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、卓越医生教育培养计划试点高校、新工科研究与实践项目实施高校。
Freecode maintains the Web's largest index of Linux, Unix and cross-platform software。
Associated Press - Video, photo and text news agency。
Mesure d'audience, classement, meilleurs sites fran鏰is, hit-parade, hit parade, outil webmaster, forum。
Sitio oficial de la Casa Rosada, con noticias e información sobre el Palacio de Gobierno de la gentina。
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale - Homepage。
ITU: Committed to connecting the world。
Best Entertainment Opportunities。
MoMA is a place that fuels creativity, ignites minds。
日成兴业数码专营店经营有耳机耳麦,牧音王/Eimuse,I-Mu/幻响,移动电源,小音箱,HB分线器,插卡音箱,夜读灯,儿童学习娱乐,年轻人休闲娱乐,孝敬老人,艾特铭客/abramtek,速派/SUPP,乐果/nogo,圣宝/singbox,飞利浦/Philips,极速/gsou,时尚小巧系列,震撼重低音系列,插卡收音机系列,数字点歌系列,显示歌词歌名系列,蓝牙系列,插卡插优盘系列,炫目音箱/HY LTD,铂爱音箱/BOAI,速派音箱/SUPP,现代/HYUNDAI。
SinoCancer: Anti-Cancer Network。
UCLA advances knowledge, addresses pressing societal needs and creates a university enriched by diverse perspectives where all individuals can flourish.
中国博物馆协会简称“中国博协” 是由开展博物馆有关业务的组织和个人自愿结成的,并依法登记的行业性、全国性的非营利社会团体法人。
is the first end-to-end procurement service platform for Chinese industrial goods, Provide multiple category and best price Chinese industrial goods, while ensuring safe payment。
VMOS is an Android app software based on Virtual Machine. VMOS Android emulator on Android with root can be installed in the form of a normal app to Linux or Android system through VM technology。
much数码旗舰店经营有酷开摩奇掌机定制版,MUCH摩奇掌机,4核通话版,3G版,Wifi版,MUCH 配件,MUCH 掌机配件,MUCH 游戏点卡。