黑水国际(Blackwater Worldwide)是美国的一家军事承包商,成立于1997年,后改名Xe Services LLC,现在使用名称为Academi。美国黑水公司是世界十大雇佣兵组织之一,主要业务为军事承包和安全顾问。
国际理疗学院(THIM;Internationale Academie Fysiotherapie)荷兰顶尖的私立理疗高校,于1974年建校,位于乌得勒支,以高质量的教学和高毕业率著称,提供物理疗法方面的预科、本科及文凭课程。
里特维尔学术学院(Gerrit Rietveld Academie)荷兰著名的独立职业教育学院,于1924年建校,位于首都阿姆斯特丹,以荷兰著名建筑师、家具设计师里特维尔的名字命名,主要授课语言为英语,设有本科和研究生专业课程,以艺术与
荷兰鹿特丹时装学院(Rotterdamse Mode Academie)荷兰知名的时装设计高等学院,提供全日制和半日制课程,三年全日制培训课程有时装设计和全面设计,两年半日制培训课程有时装款式设计和内衣款式设计,此外还提供短期培训课
Academic Earth
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is a leading national research university and the state of New Jersey’s preeminent, comprehensive public institution of higher education. Established in 1766。
The University of Virginia。
The Shulan College of Chinese Medicine was established by Prof. Shulan Tang in 1993 in Manchester UK. We have been committed to teaching and disseminating Chinese medicine in Britain, Europe, and now。
Founded in 1837, Colby-Sawyer is a comprehensive baccalaureate college that integrates the liberal arts and sciences with professional preparation. The college is located in the scenic Lake Sunapee Region of central New Hampshire.
The University of Notre Dame is a private research university inspired by its Catholic character to be a powerful force for good in the world。