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湖南邮电职业技术学院为公办、全日制普通高校,其前身为湖南省邮电学校,创办于1958年,2001年升格为长沙通信职业技术学院, 2012年更名为湖南邮电职业技术学院。学院由中国电信主办主管,教育业务由省教育厅管理。学院先后被评为“湖南省文明高校”、“湖南省平安高校”、“湖南省园林式单位”,2011年成为湖南省示范性骨干高职院校,2018年入围国家现代学徒制试点单位。
Established in 1911, the University of Hong Kong HKU is the territory’s oldest institute of higher learning and also an internationally recognized, research led。
Home | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology。
PolyU is a world-class research university. We offer professionally-oriented education to nurture leaders of tomorrow and strive in inter-disciplinary research and impactful innovations to solve real-world challenges。
As a leading global university, CityU embraces new ideas and continually seeks new ways to improve the world. ?CityU is now 52nd among universities worldwide in the QS rankings.
Established in 1956, Hong Kong Baptist University HKBU has provided broad-based, creativity inspiring education over the past 60 years.,,Since 1956。
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