刊名 :《商旅专家》 英文刊名 :CHINA BT MICE 出刊频率 :双月刊 发行渠道 :全国范围内具有商务、会展、奖励旅行采购需求的企业、政府机关、协会等,直投至采购决策层 发行量 :平面杂志35,000本/期;EDM电子刊80,000份/两周《商旅专家》杂志为香港凯洲国际传媒集团打造的新型窄域传播媒体,是凯洲新传媒产业规划进程中的重要一步。依靠庞大精准的发行渠道数据库,《商旅专家》将商务会奖旅行供应商的信息直接传递给企业商旅采购决策人,为采购方提供信息、资源、经验与分析,为供应商匹配展示平台与销售渠道,迅速打开业务局面! 创刊目的: 向商务会奖旅行买家集中展示和剖析供应商资源,凝聚业界智慧,分享商务会奖旅行活动组织策划经验,拉近商旅采购方与供应商距离——让商旅买家找到*供应商,让商旅供应商找到最准的买家! Title : CHINA BT MICE Publishing frequency :bimonthly Circulation channel : Directly mail to the BT MICE purchasing decision-makers of enterprises, government offices, and associations which have demands on business travel affair, Exhibition, Convention,and incentive tour purchasing. Circulation : 35,000 per journal for printed version;80,000 every 2 weeks for PDF Email version CHINA BT MICE is a new type of magazine that orients to specific Business Travel and MICE market. As a property ofMirageInternational Media Corporation Hong Kong, China BT MICE is also one significant strategic step in the actualizing process of Mirage’s new media industry blue print.The large and accurate distributing database makes CHINA BT MICE able to deliver the BT MICE suppliers’ information to the purchasing decision makers directly. For the BT MICE buyers, China BT MICE supplies the information, resource, experience and analysis of suppliers;and for the BT MICE suppliers, it offers a suitable stage and sales ditch to exhibit themselves,and helps sales directly. Core Value: To display and analyze the resource of suppliers for buyers of BT MICE;to draw together the professional wit in BT MICE industry, and to share the experience in BT MICE planning and masterminding;to draw the BT MICE buyers and suppliersCloser, let the buyers and suppliers meet in China BT MICE and find their perfect matches.
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